Endometriosis Awareness Local Success

Hi All,

I’m going to stop all this “Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, because I’ve been so busy” malarky, because to be frank, I’m always busy! So apologies for the lack of posts, let’s move on! So what’s new? I’m now officially a Trustee for the Endometriosis SHE Trust UK and the lovely Susan Wilson (a fellow trustee) is registering me with Companies House and the Charity Commission – all very exciting stuff! I’ve started my final year of University, which is absolutely terrifying and I’ve been sending off my showreel to potential agents in anticipation of my Graduation. Of course, the most intriguing thing right now must be this picture on the left!

Today, I had my first ever feature in a Newspaper, The South Wales Argus, and although it’s only small and local, it is a big milestone in my life. A confident step forward for both me and my campaign for raising Endometriosis Awareness! You can view the actual article here.. I’d like to say a huge thank you to Ruth Mansfield, the journalist who wrote the article, as I think she did a fantastic job, was really helpful, and conscious of the fact that all the details needed to be 100% exact, so thank you Ruth! All day I have been sat reading lovely, kind and heart warming comments, tweets and emails from the Endometriosis Community so thanks girls, I really appreciate your support. I’m doing this for all of us and our daughters, nieces and grand-daughters!

While we’re on this subject, I thought I’d tell you that the Endometriosis SHE Trust UK has some really exciting changes set, and I’ll let you know more as soon as they’re definitely taking place, but keep an eye out, as it’s going to be great! I feel so proud and privileged to be a part of it all. I also met with Mr. Enda McVeigh last month, the UK’s leading Endometriosis Specialist, and we had a really great talk. It was really great to finally speak to someone who genuinely knows what they are talking about, someone that has some answers and is optimistic about the future, whilst being very compassionate and reassuring. So some of that interview will 100% be going into the film, which will have at least AN edit complete by the end of May 2012, for hand in as Christian and I’s final Graduation Film! Arghhh! I was meant to be going to Orlando tomorrow, but had to change plans as there is a complete lack of funds, but I’m currently planning a trip to Chicago to finally meet the beautiful Elisabeth Oas in person – which has been a long time coming!!

The final year at Uni has kicked off to a good start so far – went back and got thrown straight into a 4 hour film-challenge (Thank God for Peter Watkins-Hughes being our primary lecturer again!) which myself, Josh Bennett and Aiden Bloodworth won! The brief was The Most…, Josh told us the most hilarious, true story, and we somehow managed to make it in 4 hours, with the help of Christian’s amazing acting. Judge for yourselves!

I have to say, it felt great to be acting again after what feels like forever. I mean, I know we’ve done a few little bits and bobs in the last 2 years, but it was fun to have a script and lines again. I’m starting to miss Am Dram sweetie darling!! I can no longer avoid the dreaded dissertation, despite trying to “think outside of the box” and write it differently than expected, the suggestion hasn’t gone down too well, and it looks like I will have to write the traditional, formal, academic 10,000 words. Thankfully, Anna, our amazing dissertation tutor, and I have come up with an ingenious way of incorporating my supposedly “crazy” idea, and so some of my diss will be Gonzo-style journalism, about making the Endo Film!! Oh and did I mention that I’ve already written most of it in various essays along the way! Win!!

Oh, how could I forget! Everything But The Kitchen Sink Year 2! The Epic Cycle from Cardiff to Amsterdam! Pure DRAMA from start to finish, tantrums, tears, disagreements, and frustrations, but a lot of fun – most of it in hindsight! We did make it to Amsterdam, raising about £6,000 for Multiple Sclerosis Cymru. Here’s an article in the SW Echo prior to the trip.

I’m not sure whether or not I told you but you can now follow me on Twitter (I’ve finally worked out what it’s about and how to use it!) @daniellerachael I take great delight in @mentioning celebs in the hope that they’ll sign up to my cause #EndometriosisAwareness (!!) So far, my favourite author, India Knight, author of My Life On a Plate has been the only one to indulge in my requests for re-tweets, but my idol, Dawn Porter, who inspired me to make documentaries, is now following me, and I hope to gain her support. The others will follow suit – I hope!

Oh wow, it’s 2.15am! I really ought to get some sleep! Hope you are all well!

Take care, Much Love,

Dani x

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